Freedom & Democracy for ALL! 

Spread the American Dream!ALL are created equal with the rightto Life, Liberty, Justice, Pursuit of Happiness,and Freedom of Religion, Speech, Press, & Assembly.Bend A Knee?We will not bend a knee to corrupt governmentsor turn away like cowards from those who wish to be free.In the land of the free and home of the brave,we spread the light of freedom.Including: Hong Kong, Tibet, Ukraine, Taiwan, Kurdistan, China, N Korea, Palestine, Yemen, Uyghurs, Lebanon, Azerbaijan, Catalonia ,(u2 Scotland)
 We spread democracy to build peace and prevent future wars.Greed is a cancer that kills the heart and soul of democracy.Support the spirit of Tienanmen Square, Hong Kong, & Tibet.Transform how we see the world.They are We.It is not Us vs Them.
Freedom and Democracy are the heart and soul of America! "...Give me your tired, your poor,your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"The American Dream is not about an elite %1 using a corrupt system to own a peasant slave class of indentured servants.