


共同利益的常识解决方案 -


平衡选举税:选举不应出售给出价最高者或由富人和强者购买。我们可以在一年内对超过1,000美元的所有捐款征收80%的税,其中50%的收入用于改善选民参与,设备和安全。剩余的50%将分配给所有非现任者,以鼓励更公平和平衡的选举制度,而不是偏向现任人员。我们可以指定违反此税作为联邦重罪,包括公司注册和资产损失。均衡的选举税不会违反言论自由,并会削弱SuperPAC和公司的权力。 #AlaskaQuinn


公民在线:我们将建立一个简单透明的在线系统,供公民直接投票选择主要立法并提出法律建议。在互联网和当前技术出现之前,这是无法想象或实现的。现在有可能扩大民主,同时减少腐败和权力集中在少数人手中。我们现在有能力让公民更积极地参与管理自己,使特殊利益集团和SuperPAC更难以收购我们的一小部分民选官员。 #AlaskaQuinn

清洁自己的混乱:制造混乱的人将需要清理它。混乱的创造者应对非纳税人或后代造成的搬迁和损害负责。创建或销售的项目的总成本将不会被公众补贴以为创建者创造短期利润。我们将不遗余力地为我们的孙子孙女或后代留下清洁。将鼓励个人承担责任,导致首席执行官的重罪监禁时间和公司注册失败。例如,塑料或甲烷的创建者将包括拆除的总成本,而不是将此责任转嫁给其他人以便以后修复。这将导致自由市场适应长期更便宜的产品和包装。 #AlaskaQuinn

大学免费在线:我们将通过扩展中学教育系统,为所有公民提供免费的2年在线学位课程。所获得的学分将可转移到任何4年制大学。教育是捍卫民主和保持竞争力而不是建立学生债务的契约服务奴隶劳动制度。很久以前,高中学历足以赚取好工资并实现美国梦,但这已不再可能。因此,我们必须扩展我们的教育系统,以适应当前的条件,并在世界上保持竞争力。 #AlaskaQuinn

大学退税:我们将提供可退还的大学税收抵免,IRS支付4年学位的最后2年。结合免费的2年在线学位,这将使每个公民都有一个完整的4年大学学位和更好的机会实现美国梦。这将有助于结束我们目前以债务为基础的贫困和中产阶级学生的契约服务体系。它还将使我国在全球经济中更具竞争力。为了帮助减少以前的大学债务,我们将提供追溯税收抵免。 #AlaskaQuinn

企业责任:公民和环境不是因为短期贪婪而牺牲的附带损害,以丰富一个小小的精英阶层。如果一家公司犯下重罪,那么所有资产将被冻结,公司解散失去版权和专利权。前三名官员将服刑,并失去工作以鼓励长期问责。我们将通过要求所有母公司和公司官员以及董事会成员提供透明的在线可搜索公共跟踪系统来结束隐藏在黑暗中的空壳公司。 #AlaskaQuinn

存款50美分:我们将在所有塑料瓶,杯子,聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料容器和一次性塑料袋上放置50美分的联邦存款。 50%将作为联邦税收抵免退还。剩余的50%将用于从环境中去除当前的塑料。所有联邦政府资助的建筑物,如学校,将提供免费清洁水,以减少对瓶装水的需求。新塑料的创造者将负责清理他们自己的烂摊子,包括搬家费用,而不是由纳税人为他们的短期贪婪补贴。 #AlaskaQuinn


药物成瘾减少:药物成瘾通过整个社会造成巨大的代价高昂的涟漪效应,有助于引发许多其他问题。我们将为所有吸毒成瘾者提供联邦资助的有效预防和长期治疗,以减少所有纳税人共同承担的长期费用。恢复将被明确定义和测量,而不是模糊随机概念来统计操作。上瘾化学品供应商将支付非纳税人造成的损害赔偿。尼古丁是一种极易上瘾的化学物质,将被指定为处方药,所有公共产品每年减少%。关注虐待儿童,性侵犯,家庭暴力和精神疾病等因素也将有助于大大减少吸毒成瘾。 #AlaskaQuinn

酒后驾车减少:我们将减少并努力消除酒后驾车的死亡,损坏和公众的成本。我们将复制已证明更有效系统的其他国家。例如,欧洲将血液酒精含量设定为0.05%作为犯罪。瑞典设定了0.02%的限制,并将0.1%视为严重的重罪攻击。所有车辆将被没收和拍卖,资金将用于成瘾预防和治疗。惩罚将包括使用手机应用程序进行多年驾驶员跟踪,以减少未来的违规行为。我们目前选择通过不解决这个问题来摧毁无辜公民的生命。 #AlaskaQuinn

在线教育资料:使用纳税人资金创建的所有教育资料将免费提供给每个公民,并使用创意公共许可证免费版权。纳税人没有充分理由不断向每位教师支付费用。将分配2%的联邦教育预算来创建和自由分享高质量的在线视频和应用。无论当地资金或学校质量有限,每个孩子都可以平等地获得良好的教育材料。为了提高高中毕业率,将提供免费的联邦在线GED学位课程。 #AlaskaQuinn

选举透明度:我们将提供一个与全国每次选举相关联的网站,其中包括一个问题网格,为选民提供简单的比较,非现任候选人可以通过自由的方式与选民联系。将提供信息,使所有捐款对过去和现在的每个捐助者和候选人都具有透明度和可追踪性。未在30天内在线申报的捐款将按99%征税。如果我们愿意,我们可以阻止隐藏的钱秘密购买我们的选举。 #AlaskaQuinn

同工同酬回扣:通过确保同等税后财富获得同等工作,减少工资歧视。通过减少被歧视群体的联邦税来平衡工资歧视。例如,如果女性在特定领域的同等工作与男性相比获得75%的报酬,那么该领域的女性只需支付75%的税,或者如果更高的话可以获得可退还的税收抵免。工资歧视可以立即在联邦一级解决。我们可能会永远改变薪酬歧视,但我们可以平衡税后财富的年终。 #AlaskaQuinn

家庭价值观支持:捍卫美国梦,让父母与孩子共度时光,是支持家庭价值观的最佳方式。提供30个像德国一样的带薪联邦假期,以及每个出生或收养的母亲和父亲4个月的育儿假。无论目前的收入状况如何,通过提供医疗保险,确保孕妇和新生儿都健康。修复寄养和收养系统,使孩子在一年内安全健康的家中。 #AlaskaQuinn

固定财富税:简化和平衡税收制度,以便每个人支付相同的百分比,而无需会计师或律师。为所有财富设定相同的费率,不仅每人收取一笔大额扣款(例如每人40,000美元)。该费率将每年确定,以平衡上一年的支出+ 1%以偿还当前的国家债务,而不是留给我们的孙子孙女和后代。税表的第1页将列出净财富,第2页将列出IRS向您支付的可退税税收抵免。目前的制度过于复杂和不平衡,允许不道德的人作弊而不支付其公平份额,同时为后代留下巨额债务以偿还。 #AlaskaQuinn

食品标签:要求具有固定标准量的简单食品标签,如欧洲100克型号。这使得消费者可以轻松地比较任何项目而无需基于虚假服务大小的复杂数学。需要唯一的产品ID和扫描代码,以便快速在线查找详细信息。通过以下方式使消费者做出明智的选择:(1)列出所有添加的农药和化学品,包括用于动物的药物; (2)转基因生物状况; (3)创造和交付所涉及的所有温室气体排放; (4)每个国家产生的%。同时为在家庭花园种植食物和堆肥提供退税,降低与包装,运输和垃圾填埋场填埋相关的成本。 #AlaskaQuinn

善良的撒玛利亚人移民:我们是一个移民国家,祖父母受到自由女神像的欢迎,上面写着“给我你的累,你的穷人,你的蜷缩的群众渴望自由呼吸......”我们不是纳粹德国分裂儿童基于仇恨的父母的笼子。责备父母试图保护他们的家庭不是我们如何治愈移民问题。我们可以通过首先对首席执行官或总裁所服务的每个非法雇员设定1年重罪定罪来解决原因。其次,我们可以通过减少贩毒,性和枪支以及减少恐怖主义和战争来减少移民逃离本国的动机。我们还可以用护城河和电动剃刀线建造一堵墙,但是花费50%用于人道和有效的移民改革。什么尺寸的墙会阻止你保护你的家人? #AlaskaQuinn

政府竞争:私营竞争市场在提供比垄断政府模式更具成本效益的服务方面更有效率和创新。我们可以通过尽量减少政府提供可以转包给私营部门的任何直接服务来减少政府浪费和低效率。我们可以要求明确的客观结果指标来支付纳税人的钱,包括客户服务满意度。糟糕的服务将导致合同丢失和新的更加客户友好的员工,以更好地为付钱的公众服务。 #AlaskaQuinn

枪支责任:在世界其他地方,学校,购物中心的购物者或参加教堂或电影或音乐会的儿童大规模屠杀是不正常的。它会在这里继续,直到我们勇敢地改变。我们可以向每个公民免费提供枪支,并通过注册,保险,检查和许可证来处理所有枪支,例如负责任的汽车所有权。涉及枪支的任何犯罪将额外判处5年/枪和1年/子弹。所有政府办公室和封闭社区都将允许使用枪支,因此富人和权力人士可以像普通公民一样解决问题。如果没有持枪,将提供可退款的退税。 #AlaskaQuinn

互联网免费:无论公共道路和桥梁如何,所有公民都可以免费获得基本的互联网接入。将免费在线提供教育和职业培训。任何接受联邦资金的计划都将提供公共WiFi,包括图书馆和公立学校。我们需要一个所有公民都能获得在线资源并准备在21世纪参与竞争的社会。基于财富的数字鸿沟使我们成为一个较弱且竞争力较弱的国家。 #AlaskaQuinn

律师事务所税:我们将增加对律师事务所的税收,以减少暴利诉讼的动机。收入将用于改善整个司法系统,监狱系统,并减少公设辩护人的工作量。我们需要平衡所有人的正义制度,远离少数人的贪婪。我们还将限制律师可以申请的和解的最高百分比。不存在使律师富裕的法律制度。 #AlaskaQuinn

中产阶级工资:我们可以帮助保护美国梦,建立中产阶级,确保从事这项工作的人真正获得生活工资。基于纯粹的贪婪将大部分财富转移到最高的百分之一正在摧毁我们社会的结构。我们可以确保一位在职父母能够支付孩子,家庭,食品,衣服和医疗保健费用。而且,另一位家长可以选择和孩子们待在一起,建立一个强大的家庭单位。所有联邦政府资助的组织将被要求向雇员支付至少联邦生活或最低工资。支付给小费的员工将被淘汰。将提供房屋退税,为工人提供更大的灵活性,减少交通和污染。 #AlaskaQuinn


家长媒体评级:我们将授权家长根据客观有意义的评级系统为电影,视频和电视节目设置儿童可追踪媒体限制。目前的制度过于模糊和不完整。每个程序都有一个唯一的ID,如书籍ISBN号,便于在线查找和跟踪。可以提前知道谋杀,暴力行为,性侵犯,裸体场景,亵渎话语等的数量。然后,父母可以设置限制,例如本周只有10起强奸案,25起谋杀案,50起暴力行为。技术已经发展成为一项简单的任务,可能有助于我们更加了解我们的想法和社会。 #AlaskaQuinn

政党分裂:我们本来是“一个民族,不可分割,拥有自由和正义的人”。政党通过违背共同利益并专注于自己的短期最佳利益来分裂和摧毁国家。我们的第一位也是最伟大的总统乔治华盛顿警告我们不要在1796年建立政党。他们不是宪法的一部分,不应该扼杀我们的民主。我们可以采取措施降低能力或消除它们。例如,增加投票权和非党派候选人的资金;对所有政治捐款征收90%的税,并向所有非现任候选人分配收入;结束gerrymandering。如果所有民主党人都注册为共和党人,我们今天就可以开始并将政党制度减少50%。 #AlaskaQuinn

政治家时间表:我们当选的官员是为公民工作的。与其他员工一样,我们可以要求政治家每周提交40小时的在线公开评论时间表,以便获得他们的薪水和福利。我们可以减少在黑暗中隐藏的邪恶而不负责任,并使这项工作对懒惰腐败的个人不那么有吸引力。我们可以要求他们显示所有会议,联系人,可能的利益冲突等。我们还可以要求他们单独报告竞选活动和筹款活动,这些活动和筹款活动不属于他们每周工作40小时的工作。 #AlaskaQuinn

预防妊娠:各方可以共同努力减少意外怀孕,这是堕胎的主要原因,而不是浪费资源在不断地与我们的邻居作战。政治家们将永远保持这个问题,以保持单一问题选民。为了鼓励母亲留下未来的孩子,我们可以通过减少家庭暴力,虐待儿童和吸毒成瘾,同时为母亲和孩子提供医疗保健来帮助建立爱心稳定的家园。我们可以通过直接向负责任的父母提供的联邦可退还税收抵免来结束一个不负责任的失败父母的经济压力。不负责任的父母直接向美国国税局负责,未付款将是联邦税收犯罪。我们还可以改善采用和寄养系统,使其成为更可行的选择。 #AlaskaQuinn

监狱改革:我们将停止骑自行车囚犯回到营利性纳税人资助的监狱系统,并降低我们的监禁率,这是世界上最高和最昂贵的监禁率之一。监狱将因减少再犯而被罚款,并对返回的违法者处以罚款。我们可以将每年用于惩罚症状的数十亿美元转移到预防原因上。我们可以更多地关注教学工作和社交技能,以帮助囚犯成为有生产力的纳税公民。我们可以复制其他具有工作模式的国家,例如挪威恢复性司法系统,该系统的重点是恢复囚犯。我们不需要仍然是发达国家在一个无效系统上浪费数十亿美元的最糟糕的例子。 #AlaskaQuinn

隐私联系权:我们可以通过要求简单的年度Opt-IN客户系统批准联系来阻止不需要的垃圾邮件,电子邮件和电话。可以实施相同的要求来收集和共享您的个人数据。此外,我们可以为公民创建一个单独的在线数据库,以主动选择退出,并要求公司在进行不必要的联系或收集和共享个人数据之前检查此系统。除了罚款外,我们还可以规定,每次违规行为都要追究1年重罪,由公司注册失败的前三名公司官员提供服务。公民不是因为贪婪和企业利润而被使用和操纵的绵羊。 #AlaskaQuinn


性侵犯和贩运:我们允许每五名妇女在我国被强奸,每三名妇女中就有一名遭受性暴力。如果我们认为这很重要,我们可以保护我们的女儿,妻子,姐妹和母亲。美国同胞每2分钟被强奸一次。我们将每年减少性侵犯2%或将平税增加1%,收入仅限于解决此问题。我们将提供联邦转介和跟踪系统,免费安全住所和律师。这些罪行将被指定为联邦仇恨罪行,对攻击者或客户以及涉及性交易的皮条客没有法定时效。 #AlaskaQuinn


社会保障无能为力:社会保障正在破产,我们现在可以通过平等地对待每个人而不给予豁免以及所有人的自由和正义来解决它。每个公民将根据年度财富总额(无上限或上限)以相同的百分比支付社会保障金。如果政府想要从社会保障中窃取,那么它也必须从富人那里窃取。对于最富有的2%,我们可以追溯执行上限。例如,当前税率约为6%,上限约为130,000美元。因此,如果美国人的平均收入为50,000美元,那么税收为3,000美元,如果您赚取5,000,000美元,那么您将支付7,800美元的当前上限或300,000美元没有上限。富人强大将阻止政客窃取他们的钱,社会保障将受到保护。 #AlaskaQuinn

拆分账单:我们目前在非常大的账单中结合和隐藏贪污,浪费,宠物项目和腐败的系统,没有时间进行智能审查已经过时,可以修复。我们将允许通过修改订单规则将法案分成独立投票的部分。我们将允许少数负责任的立法者或在线公民的请愿书在必要的2周在线审查过程中分割账单。邪恶隐藏在黑暗中,公民或一些负责任的民选官员现在能够对其发光,并要求就明显的浪费进行个别投票。我们还可以要求明确定义的结果度量和条款,以使法案有效,防止混淆模糊,未来操纵或法律冲突。 #AlaskaQuinn

避税港漏洞:不允许公司避免支付其公平份额的税款,目前正在将负担转嫁给普通纳税人。我们将减少与隐藏在国外资产相关的公司税漏洞。避税天堂国家将被列入黑名单,所有资产都被冻结,如果他们拒绝合作并披露隐藏的资金,则会实施旅行禁令。我们将为识别和归还隐藏资金提供10%的奖励,隐藏资产将按90%征税。 #AlaskaQuinn

教授批判性思维:健康的民主需要具备清晰思考,理解宣传和避免欺骗的能力。我们将在所有中小学教授批判性思维技能,作为一个与数学或英语同等重要的学科。这将包括能够根据逻辑谬误和认知偏差识别欺骗性论点。这将成为一种防范思维的反病毒,以防止在社交媒体和虚假新闻中传播的思想病毒。 #AlaskaQuinn

透明的税收支出:公民有权追踪其税款的使用情况。废物和腐败在黑暗中成长,并在责任的背景下死亡。所有纳税人资助的计划都需要在线发布应付账款和应收账款的电子表格,以供公众审查。未报告的款项将退还给纳税人。现在,技术可以在几分钟内轻松将帐户导出到免费的Google电子表格。 #AlaskaQuinn

选民参与:我国是发达国家中选民参与率最低的国家之一,这是一种耻辱。当公民拒绝承担责任和投票时,民主就失败了。邪恶取胜所需要的只是让好人无所作为。我们将实施与注册草案相关的自动选民登记并获得驾驶执照。通过扩展现有的美国护照卡系统,每位公民都将获得免费的有效国家选民身份证。投票的负责任公民将获得500美元的可退还税收抵免。我们将复制投票系统,包括邮寄投票和周末2天投票。我们还可以奖励公司和各州的高选民参与率。 #AlaskaQuinn

水空气测试:公民有权清洁空气和水。我们将要求在一个可搜索的网站上在线发布水和空气质量的季度测试,以便所有接受联邦资金(如学校和图书馆)的建筑物。公民应该有一个透明的系统,以更好地了解他们的身体。公司将被要求每年提交结果。 #AlaskaQuinn

Common Sense Solutions for the Common Good - – President USA 2020

Balanced Election Tax: Elections should not be on sale to the highest bidder or bought by the rich and powerful. We can Implement an 80% tax on all contributions over $1,000 in a single year with 50% of the revenue paying to improve voter participation, equipment, & security. The remaining 50% will be split among all NON-incumbents to encourage a more fair and balanced election system not biased toward the current person holding office. We can designate violation of this tax as a Federal felony including loss of incorporation and assets. A balanced election tax does not violate free speech and will decrease the power of SuperPACs and corporations.  #AlaskaQuinn

Child Abuse Reduction: Children can not defend themselves against abuse and child abuse creates many other costly long term problems for our entire society. We will target a 2% reduction every year in child abuse or automatically increase the “flat wealth tax” by 1% to fix this issue. We can offer a federal referral & tracking system with free safe houses & lawyers to help children in poorer states defend themselves from long term harm. And we can designate this issue as a federal hate crime with no statute of limitations and stop the abuser from jumping state to state avoiding justice. Quarterly state reporting will be required to obtain any federal funding #AlaskaQuinn

Citizens Online: We will build a simple transparent online system for citizens to directly vote on major legislation & propose laws. Before the internet and current technology this was not possible to imagine or implement. It is now possible to expand democracy while reducing both corruption & concentration of power in the hands of a few. We now have the ability to empower citizens to more actively participate in governing themselves making it much harder for special interest groups and SuperPACs to buy off our small group of elected officials. #AlaskaQuinn

Clean Own Mess: The one making the mess will be required to clean it. The creator of the mess is responsible for the removal & damages caused NOT tax payers or future generations. The total cost of the item created or sold will not be subsidized by the public to make short term profits for the creator. We will leave no trace for our grandchildren or future generations to clean. Personal responsibility will be encouraged with violations resulting in felony prison time for the CEO & loss of incorporation. For example, the creator of plastics or methane will include the total cost of removal and not pass this responsibility on to others to fix later. This will cause the free market to adjust towards long term cheaper products and packaging. #AlaskaQuinn

College Free Online: We will provide a free 2 year online degree program for all citizens by extending the secondary educational system. The credits earned will be transferrable to any 4 year college. Education is required to defend democracy & remain competitive without creating a student debt based indentured service slave labor system. Long ago, a high school degree was enough to earn a good wage and achieve the American Dream, but this is no longer possible. So, we must extend our education system to adapt to current conditions and remain competitive in the world. #AlaskaQuinn

College Tax Rebate: We will offer a refundable college tax credit where the IRS pays for the last 2 years of a 4 year degree. Combined with the free 2 year online degree, this will allow every citizen to have a full 4 year college degree and better chance to achieve the American Dream. This will help end our current debt based indentured service system of poor and middle class students. It will also allow our country to be more competitive in the global economy. To help reduce previous college debt we will offer a retroactive tax credit. #AlaskaQuinn

Corporate Responsibility: Citizens & the environment are NOT collateral damage to be sacrificed for short term greed to enrich a tiny elite class. If a corporation commits a felony, then all assets will be frozen & the company dissolved losing copyrights and patents. The top 3 officers will serve prison time and lose their jobs to encourage long term accountability. We will end shell companies hiding in the dark by requiring a transparent online searchable public tracking system of all parent and child companies and corporate officers with board members. #AlaskaQuinn

Deposit 50 Cents: We will place a 50 cent federal deposit on all plastic bottles, cups, Styrofoam containers, & single use plastic bags. 50% will be refundable as a federal tax credit. The remaining 50% will be used to remove current plastics from the environment. All federally funded buildings like schools will provide free clean water to reduce the demand for bottled water. Creators of new plastics will be responsible for cleaning their own mess by including removal cost instead of being subsidized by taxpayers for their short term greed. #AlaskaQuinn

Domestic Violence Reduction: Domestic violence is a national problem and all citizens deserve protection regardless of state residency or resources. We will require a 2% reduction in Domestic Violence yearly or increase the Flat Wealth Tax by 1% to fix this issue. To provide equal protection to all, we will offer a federal referral & tracking system with free safe houses & lawyers. Domestic Violence will be designated as a federal hate crime with no statute of limitations. State reporting and tracking will be required to obtain any federal funds #AlaskaQuinn

Drug Addiction Reduction: Drug addiction creates a massive costly ripple effect through our entire society helping to cause many other problems. We will offer federally funded effective prevention & long term treatment for all drug addiction to reduce the long term costs shared by all taxpayers. Recovery will be clearly defined & measureable not a vague random concept to manipulate statistically. Addictive chemicals providers will pay for damages caused NOT taxpayers. Nicotine is an extremely addictive chemical and will be designated as a prescription drug with a yearly % reduction in all public products. Focusing on causes like child abuse, sexual assault, domestic violence, & mental illness will also help greatly reduce drug addiction. #AlaskaQuinn

Drunk Driving Reduction: We will reduce and work to eliminate drunk driving deaths, damage, & the cost to the public. We will copy other countries which have proven more effective systems. For example, Europe sets a Blood Alcohol Level of 0.05% as a crime. Sweden sets a limit of 0.02% limit and designates 0.1% as an aggravated felony assault. All vehicles will be confiscated and auctioned with funds going to addiction prevention & treatment. Punishment will include multiyear driver tracking using phone apps to reduce future violations. We are currently choosing to let innocent citizen’s lives be destroyed by not fixing this issue. #AlaskaQuinn

Education Material Online: All education material created using taxpayer money will be freely available to every citizen and copyright free using a creative commons license. There is no good reason for taxpayers to continually pay each teacher to develop new material from scratch. 2% of the federal education budget will be allocated to create & freely share high quality online video and apps. Every child will have equal access to good educational material regardless of limited local funding or school quality. To increase high school completion rates, a free federal online GED degree program will be provided. #AlaskaQuinn

Election Transparency: We will provide a single website linked to every election in the nation with an issue grid to provide voters a simple comparison and NON-incumbent candidates a free way to reach voters. Information will be provided to make all contributions transparent and trackable for every donor and candidate both past and present. Donations not declared online within 30 days will be taxed at 99%. We can stop hidden money secretly buying our elections if we wish. #AlaskaQuinn

Equal Pay Rebate: Reduce salary discrimination by insuring equal after tax wealth for equal work. Balance salary discrimination by reducing federal taxes on the group being discriminated against. For example, if women are paid 75% compared to men for equal work in a particular field, then women in that field only pay 75% tax or receive refundable tax credit if higher. Salary discrimination can be fixed immediately at a federal level. We might take forever to change the pay discrimination but we can balance end of year after tax wealth. #AlaskaQuinn

Family Values Support: Defend the American Dream & allow parents to spend time with their children as the best way to support family values. Offer 30 paid federal holidays like Germany, plus 4 months parental leave for both mother and father per birth or adoption. Insure pregnant mothers and newly born children are healthy by providing medical coverage regardless of current income status. Fix both the foster care and adoption systems to have children in safe healthy homes within one year. #AlaskaQuinn

Flat Wealth Tax: Simplify and balance the tax system so that everyone pays the same percentage rate without any need for accountants or lawyers. Set the same rate for all wealth not only income with a single large deduction per person (for example $40,000 per person). The rate will be determined yearly to balance the previous year’s spending +1% to pay down the current national debt instead of leaving it for our grandchildren and future generations. Page 1 of the tax form will list net wealth and page 2 will list refundable tax credits where IRS pays you. The current system is too complicated and unbalanced allowing the unethical to cheat and not pay their fair share while leaving a huge debt for future generations to repay. #AlaskaQuinn

Food Labeling: Require simple food labels with a fixed standard amount like the European 100 gram model. This allows consumers to easily compare any item without complicated math based on fake serving sizes. Require a unique product ID and scan code for quick online lookup of details. Empower consumers to make informed choices by (1) listing all pesticides and chemicals added including drugs used on animals; (2) GMO status; (3) all greenhouse emissions involved in creation and delivery; (4) the % produced in each country. Also give a tax rebate for growing food in a home garden & composting reducing costs associated with packaging, transportation and trash filling landfills. #AlaskaQuinn

Good Samaritan Immigration: We are a country of immigrants with grandparents welcomed by the Statue of Liberty inscribed with the message “Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free...” We are not Nazi Germany splitting children in cages from parents based on hate. Blaming parents trying to protect their families is not how we heal the immigration issue. We can address the causes by first setting a 1 year felony conviction for each illegal hired served by the CEO or president. Second we can reduce the motivation for immigrants to flee their home country by reducing trafficking in drugs, sex, & guns plus reducing terrorism & war. We can also build a wall with a moat & electrified razor wire, but spend 50% on humane & efficient immigration reform. What size wall would stop you from protecting your family? #AlaskaQuinn

Government Competition: Private competitive markets are more efficient and innovative at providing cost effective services than a monopoly government model. We can reduce government waste and inefficiency by minimizing government providing any direct services which could be subcontracted to the private sector. We can require clear objective outcome measures for spending taxpayer money including customer service satisfaction. Bad service will result in a lost contract and new more customer friendly employees to better serve the public who pays for them.  #AlaskaQuinn

Gun Free Responsibility: In the rest of the world, it is not normal for mass killings of children in schools, shoppers at the mall, or those attending church or a movie or concert. It will continue here until we are brave enough to change. We can offer a free gun to every citizen AND treat all guns like responsible car ownership with registration, insurance, inspection, & license. Any crime involving a gun will have an additional sentence of 5 year/gun & 1 year/bullet involved. Guns will be permitted at all government offices & gated communities so the rich and power feel the same motivation as the average citizen to solve the problem. A refundable tax rebate will be offered for not owning a gun. #AlaskaQuinn

Internet Free: Basic internet access will be provided free to all citizens regardless of income like public roads and bridges. Education and job training will be provided online for free.  Any program accepting federal funds will provide public WiFi including libraries and public schools. We need a society where all our citizens have access to online resources and are prepared to compete in the 21st century. A digital divide based on wealth makes us a weaker and less competitive nation.  #AlaskaQuinn

Law Firm Tax: We will increase the tax on law firms to reduce the motivation for profiteering lawsuits. Revenue collected will be used to improve the entire justice system, the prison system, and to reduce work load of public defenders. We need to balance the system towards justice for all and away from greed for a few. We will also cap the maximum percent of a settlement that can be claimed by a lawyer. The legal system does not exist to make lawyers rich. #AlaskaQuinn

Middle Class Wage: We can help protect the American Dream and build the middle class by making sure those doing the work are actually paid a living wage. Shifting the majority of wealth to the top one percent based on pure greed is destroying the fabric of our society. We can make sure that one working parent will be able to pay for a child, home, food, clothing, & health care. And, the other parent will have the option of staying home with the children to build a strong family unit. All federally funded organizations will be required to pay employees at least the federal living or minimum wage. Under paying tipped employees will be eliminated. A home tax rebate will be offered to give workers more flexibility and reduce both traffic and pollution. #AlaskaQuinn

Military Industrial Complex: We will reduce war profiteering and make military money flow more transparent to citizens. We will no longer force the military to purchase unwanted systems or split production into multiple states as a cash cow reward system for politicians. War and conflict should NOT be a way of making a profit for the rich while the poor die on the battle field. We will make it a felony with prison time for the top three corporate officers to over-charge or profiteer from the military. The first step will be to increase the tax rate for war profiteering (For example if an oil company profits because we attack an oil producing country, than the increased profit goes to pay for the war.) #AlaskaQuinn

Parent Media Rating: We will empower parents to set child trackable media limits for movie, video, and television programs based on an objective meaningful rating system. The current system is too vague and incomplete. Every program will have a unique ID like a book ISBN number for easy online lookup and tracking. It will be possible to know in advance the number of murders, violent acts, sexual assaults, nude scenes, profane words, etc. Then a parent can set limits like only 10 rapes, 25 murders, 50 violent acts this week. Technology has advanced to make this a simple task and might help make us more aware of what we are putting into our minds and society. #AlaskaQuinn

Political Party Divide: We were meant to be “One nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all”. Political parties are dividing and destroying the country by acting against the common good and focusing on their own short term best interests. George Washington, our first and greatest President, warned us against creating political parties in 1796. They are not part of the constitution and should not have a strangle hold on our democracy. We can take steps to reduce their power or eliminate them. For example, increase ballot access and funding of non-party candidates; tax all political donations at 90% and distribute revenue to all non-incumbents candidates; end gerrymandering. We could start today and reduce the party system by 50% if all Democrats register as Republicans. #AlaskaQuinn

Politician Timesheet: Our elected officials are meant to work for the citizens. Like other employees, we can require politicians to submit a 40 hour a week timesheet for online public review in order to receive their salary and benefits. We can reduce evil hiding in the dark with no accountability and make the job less appealing to lazy corrupt individuals. We can require them to show all meetings, contacts, possible conflicts of interest, etc. We can also require them to separately report campaigning & fundraising which are not part of their paid 40 hour a week job. #AlaskaQuinn

Pregnancy Prevention: All sides can work together to reduce unwanted pregnancy as the primary cause of abortion instead of wasting resources spinning in circles constantly fighting our neighbors. Politicians will keep this issue alive forever to hold single issue voters. To encourage mothers to keep their future children we can help build loving stable homes by reducing domestic violence, child abuse, and drug addiction while providing health care for both the mother and child. We can end the economic stress of an irresponsible dead beat missing parent with a federal refundable tax credit given directly to the responsible parent. The irresponsible parent is obligated directly to the IRS and nonpayment would be a federal tax crime.  We can also improve both the adoption and foster care systems to make them more viable options. #AlaskaQuinn

Prison Reform: We will stop cycling prisoners back into a for-profit taxpayer funded prison system and reduce our incarceration rate which is one of the highest and most expensive in the world. Prisons will be rewarded for reducing recidivism and fined for return offenders. We can shift the billions spent every year punishing symptoms into preventing causes. We can focus more on teaching job and social skills to help prisoners become productive tax paying citizens. We can copy other nations that have working models like Norway’s restorative justice system which focuses on rehabilitating prisoners. We do not need to remain the worst example in the developed world wasting billions on an ineffective system. #AlaskaQuinn

Privacy Contact Rights: We can stop unwanted junk mail, email, and phone calls by requiring a simple yearly Opt-IN customer system to approve contact. The same requirement can be implemented for collecting and sharing your personal data. In addition, we can create a single online database for citizens to proactively Opt-OUT and require companies to check this system before making unwanted contact or collecting and sharing personal data. In addition to fines, we can make it a 1 year felony offence per violation to be served by the top three corporate officers with loss of incorporation. Citizens are not sheep to be used and manipulated for greed and corporate profits. #AlaskaQuinn

Renewable Energy Reward: To encourage a more healthy and sustainable long term energy supply we can offer a 50% tax reduction for any profits made providing renewable energy. Citizens who provide their own renewable energy will receive a refundable tax credit to cover utility company grid connection fees plus an amount based on the percent of energy saved. We will also offer an IRS rebate for selecting renewable sources from local utility companies #AlaskaQuinn

Sexual Assault & Trafficking: We allow every fifth woman to be raped in our country and one in every three women to experience sexual violence.  We could protect our daughters, wives, sisters, and mothers if we thought it was important. Every 2 minutes a fellow American is raped. We will reduce sexual assault by 2% yearly or increase the Flat Tax by 1% with revenue restricted to fixing this issue. We will offer a federal referral & tracking system with free safe houses & lawyers. These crimes will be designated as federal hate crimes with no statute of limitations for the attacker or the customers and pimps involved with sex trafficking. #AlaskaQuinn

Sick Care Prevention: We currently reward an ineffective for profit sick care system based on short term greed and not a preventative health care system for the long term common good of our citizens. Our system is one of the most costly in the world with poor average rankings for the common citizen. We will reduce greed & profiteering connected with sickness by allowing patients to obtain drugs & medical procedure from any desired choice or country. Direct drug advertising to the public will be banned or taxed to death (like every other country in the entire world). We will offer a tax rebate for being healthy to encourage and reward healthy choices. Citizens will be allowed to make informed choices by implementing a transparent online system showing measures & costs for all  procedures, doctors, hospitals, & customer satisfaction #AlaskaQuinn

Social Security Capless: Social Security is going bankrupt and we can fix it now by treating everyone equally without exemptions and with liberty and justice for all. Every citizen will pay into social security at the same percent based on total yearly wealth with NO cap or upper limit. If the government wants to steal from Social Security then it must also steal from the rich. We can retroactively implement the cap removal for the richest 2%. For example, the current tax is about 6% with a cap set around $130,000. So if the average American earned $50,000 the tax would be $3,000 and if you earned $5,000,000 you would pay $7,800 with the current cap or $300,000 without a cap. The rich a powerful will stop the politicians from stealing their money and social security will be protected.  #AlaskaQuinn

Split The Bill: Our current system of combining and hiding graft, waste, pet projects, and corruption inside very large bills with no time for intelligent review is obsolete and can be fixed. We will allow separation of a bill into sections for independent voting by modifying the rules of order. We will enable a minority of responsible legislators or an online citizen’s petition to split bills during a required 2 week online review process. Evil hides in the dark and citizens or a few responsible elected officials will now be able to shine a light on it and require an individual vote on obvious waste. We can also require clearly defined outcome measures & terms for a bill to be valid preventing confusing vagueness, future manipulation, or legal conflicts. #AlaskaQuinn

Tax Haven Loopholes: Corporations will NOT be allowed to avoid paying their fair share of taxes which is currently shifting the burden to the average tax payer. We will reduce corporate tax loopholes related to hiding assets in foreign countries. Tax haven countries will be black listed with all assets frozen and a travel ban imposed if they refuse to cooperate and disclose hidden money. We will offer a 10% reward for identifying and returning hidden money and hidden assets will be taxed at 90%. #AlaskaQuinn

Teach Critical Thinking: A healthy democracy requires the ability to think clearly, understand propaganda, and avoid deception. We will teach critical thinking skills in all primary and secondary schools as a subject equal in importance to math or English. This will include being able to identify deceptive arguments based on logical fallacies and cognitive biases. This will function as an anti-virus for the mind to defend against thought viruses spreading in social media and fake news. #AlaskaQuinn

Transparent Tax Spending: Citizens have the right to track how their tax money is spent. Waste and corruption grow in the dark and die in the light of accountability. All taxpayer funded programs will be required to post an online monthly spreadsheet of accounts payable and receivable for public review. Unreported money will be returned to taxpayers. Technology now makes it easy to export accounts to a free Google spreadsheet in only a few minutes. #AlaskaQuinn

Voter Participation: It is a disgrace that our country has one of the worst voter participation rates in the developed world. Democracy fails when citizens refuse to take responsibility and vote. All that is required for evil to win is for good people to do nothing. We will implement automatic voter registration connected to draft registration and obtaining a driver’s license. Every citizen will be issued a free valid national voter ID by expanding the current USA passport card system. A $500 refundable tax credit will be offered to responsible citizens who vote. We will copy voting systems proven to work including mail in ballots and 2 day voting over the weekend. We can also reward high voter participation rates by companies and by states. #AlaskaQuinn

Water Air Testing: Citizens have the right to clean air and water. We will require quarterly tests of water & air quality to be posted online in single searchable website for all buildings receiving federal funds like schools and libraries. Citizens deserve a transparent system to be better aware of what is going into their bodies. Corporations will be required to submit results yearly. #AlaskaQuinn








































